Wednesday, 19 March 2014

An Evening Walk in the Monts d'Arree

  We set off walking towards the end of the afternoon It had been a beautiful day and the sun was still very bright in the sky. The views were stunning, the atmosphere was peaceful,  simultaneously wild yet calm. We walked until we could see the Lac du Drennec in the distance and saw the sun begin its descent until it was almost hidden from view. We noticed the mists in the valleys below. Then we turned and retraced our steps. The sun had gone and in its place came the mists. Peacefully. Into this wilderness.

Huelgoat Forest

   On the morning of 15th March I went for a stroll in the forest with Ally. I just enjoyed all the different shapes, colours and patterns. Some were still, others were moving. So beautiful.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Le Conquet and Pointe Saint-Mathieu

   After spending the night at Danny and Jacques at Lanildut we drove on to the port of Le Conquet which is a working port.
   It is a charming place with some nice restaurants.  From there we drove to the Pointe Saint-Mathieu and had a coastal walk (in the direction of Brest) and spent some time sitting in the sun. Paul and Ally preferred to lie down.

   The views were great!
  There are regular reminders of wartime activities as this is a strategic spot. They always make me feel sad.
   The buildings on the point, the lighthouse chapel and memorial are stunning though.
   The memorial is an incredibly powerful piece of sculpture. It does what good art should do and speaks of situations and feelings to which words cannot do any justice.

Lanildut with Danny and Jacques

Danny and Jacques invited us over to Lanildut. It was lovely to see them again and we had a
wonderful time. We had a great walk in the afternoon and then they prepared us a delicious meal. We stayed the night and left the next day.

Brignogan Plages

   We went over to Brignogan Plages on the north coast. It's a lovely place and I've got very happy memories of it from the 1970s with Bernadette and Jacques, and also from 2009 when Paul and I went there just a few weeks after we were married.

Huelgoat Lake

   The sun was out again the next day and the temperature really started warming up! Although I have photographed the lake many times already, the contrast in its colour with that of the last few weeks left me with no choice but to photograph it again!

Huelgoat Forest

   Wow. Early spring day, 7th March.  Brilliant light. Birds singing. The stream singing.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Le Yaodet

   Le Yaodet is a beautiful place on the north coast to the west of Saint Efflam The views are stunning and there is a very interesting church...

Above the altar Our Lady lies in a double bed with  the infant Jesus, Saint Joseph is sitting at the foot of the bed and the Holy Spirit is above. I have never seen anything like this, and am wondering if there any other such examples of the Holy Family portrayed so intimately.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Saint Efflam

   We went up to Saint Efflam on the North coast to the west of Saint Sampson. This is an amazing beach and we had a wonderful walk.

High in the Monts d'Arree

   The mists came down. The winds howled . Souls were crying out. We were at that place between  le monde visible, et le monde invisible....

Monday, 3 March 2014

A Sunny Day!!!

Blue Sky, a Rare Occurrence this Winter
   This winter has been the wettest on record in this part of the world, so when the sun came out we headed up to the north coast without wasting any time!
   We started on the beach at Saint Sampson and walked south along the coast. We walked past the Pierre Double (the Double Stone) and saw some interesting rock formations which reminded me of the Giants' Causeway in Northern Ireland. The sea was crashing against the rocks, you could taste the salt on your lips and it was fantastic...

Le Cloitre-St-Thegonnec, Book Fair and Walk in the Wild Country (Les Landes du Cragou)

 We went up to the book fair and saw Wendy, who had a stall there. It was impressive to see so many writers in one place! .
   We had a picnic together, then Paul and I went walking in the Landes du Cragou. This is the last part of Brittany where wolves roamed, and we wanted to visit the wolf museum but it wasn't open. Anyway, we had a lovely walk and the sun came out!